Mission Statement: To shepherd the growth and economic development of our township without losing sight of our agricultural heritage and rural way of life for our citizens and future generations.
Role of Plan Commission
The planning commission shall perform the following duties:
- Review applications/petitions that come before the Township and make recommendations to the Township Board.
- The Planning Commission may from time to time recommend changes/updates to the official Coral Township Land Use Plan. Final approval of any map changes/updates will be made by the Township Board.
- Laurie Cisneros, PC Liaison
- Margot Brown (alternate)
- Richard Hemmingsen
- Jeanette Powers
- Susan Reimann
- Eric Sebert
- Larry Smilth
Coral Township Plan Commission
Meeting Dates 2025
2nd Monday of the month @ 7:00 pm; Public welcome
(***except Jan, Apr, July, Oct, meetings are one week earlier to coincide with monthly Township meeting)
January 6***
February 10 CANCELLED/No Petitions
March 10 CANCELLED/No Petitions
April 7***
May 12
June 9
July 7***
Aug 11
Sept 8
Oct 6***
Nov 10
Dec 8